Thursday, December 17, 2009

Offically 37 weeks + 0 day

Waiting patiently... for the final countdown 07.01.2010

Have this mixed feelings of having the labour early or later...

Wanna to have it early coz, I could not withstand the 10 pointers;

1. Stretch marks!!!
They are the killers of my beautiful abdomen skin! Not only that it is unrepresentable, unbearable itchiness, etc... to summarize it is UGLY!

2. Aching legs.
Both my legs consistently needs tons of rest... they cant tolerate standing in one position for a period of time (not even 5 minutes!). They must either be constantly on the move or sitting down resting...

3. Gastric reflux.
Now whatever I eat ... I am having the signs and symptoms of my first tri-semester GASTRIC REFLUX! I dislike the feeling of having the taste of the gastric acids juice at the back of my throat!

4. Frequent visitation to the toilet.
Now it seems to be my favorite hangout the TOILET! Despite had a pee about half an hour ago, now the urge comes knocking at your bladder again! Only to find out that you had pee only about less than 30 mls of urine!

5. Cant cut/trim my nails at my feet.
For obvious reasons... I cant see the stairs or my own feet when I am standing on my two foot... its a far cry to DIY cut/trim my own toe nails...

6. Cant get out of the house ALONE.
That's what my hubby had restricted me ever since I took my annual leave on the 10.12.09. Before starting my annual leave, my hubby had been sending & fetching to and from work place. Now that I am at home almost everyday, 24 hours not stepping out of house... unless accompanied by my sweet hubby, who is worried about my safety when I am alone outside his perimeters.

7. Heavy bump.
Now now my prince should be plus minus 3 kg. Lets do the math...
3 kg (baby) + 1kg (placenta) + 1kg amniotic fluid = 5 kg. I last weighted myself, on 15.12.09 I am 66kg! I had gained 10kg! Where is the rest of the 5 kg?????? No wonder my stamina had been deteriorated, and feeling tired easily.

8. Cant window shop as before.
I am not shopping like before... neither becoz of there isnt good sales nor there arent things to buy. But I no longer have the stamina to choose, fuss, stand, and spending hours to shop in the crowded places.

9. Stamina deteriorated.
I must stop walking or shopping and take rest. If not I will go breathlessness... aging? or just the bump weight that is holding me back?

10. Swollen left leg.
Funny... why must pregnancy be ugly? Stretch marks, aching legs, gaining weight, big bump... etc. now swollen feet.