Friday, December 18, 2009

Offically 37 weeks + 0 day Part II

Reasons why I do not want to have the labour early...

1. Couple-hood lifestyle
My hubby and I, have been enjoying 5 years of couple hood lifestyle, and we have adopted very routine lifestyles as well. We can go traveling, hiking, shopping, attend musical, plays... etc. Now that is going to change forever when our PRINCE arrive.

2. Wanna to spend 2009 Christmas with hubby alone.
This is going to be our last couple hood Christmas together. So I wanna to celebrate just with him ALONE.

3. Wanna to spend 2010 New Year with hubby alone.
For same obvious reason as pointer 2.

4. Sleepless nites ahead when our PRINCE arrived.
Its the calling of every parent to go sleepless for their little ones. So we are expecting that to happen to us as well, we are no exceptions!

5. Anxious
Will we be a good parent, role model, teacher, playmate, friend, etc. for our child? What is expected of us from our child? I dont know. Will try to be the best for our child.

6. Pain
Fear of my very first experience of child-birthing, sensation of pain came straight into my mind. My past few weeks, I had been experiencing the braxton hicks... the contractions had been there since my 32nd weeks. Sometimes it can last for only 10 minutes or up to 45 minutes... discomfort? yes but sometimes it can be a torture! So when the thought of labour comes to my mind... it can be freaking scary.