Monday, March 01, 2010

Dylan having URTI

My little prince was having this nose blocked thingy ...

Poor thing...

Send him for a check on Friday (26.02.10) with Dr Wong Chin Khoon ...

Turned out to be URTI - Upper Respiratory Tract Infection!

He was given or prescribed with Iladin nose drop 0.01% - one drop / 3 times per day for 5 days, and Mucosolvon liquid 0.5mls/ 2 times per day for 5 days.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

1 month 3 days old

Time flies...

Dylan is already 1 month 3 days old.
He is still having his full blown infant pimples and heat rashes all over his face and body.
He is able to smile spontaneous.
He is able to visually follow movements including turning his head from side to side.
He is drinking or taking 90 mls every 2 - 3 hrly of either EBM or Formula Milk Similac.
He is now fully bottle feed.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Bye Bye CoCo

She was put for adoption. Reasons are that we have been neglecting her and also her fur issue. Yesterday a kind soul was willing to adopt her and offered her a better place for living, that's with a garden attached so that she could roam around. She promised to take good care of her.

Coco had been with us since 01.08.08 till 30.01.10.

Thank her for being there for me when I needed you. Thank you COCO!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thankful to my love ones

Since the day I delivered my son, I was going thru a rough time adapting the changes in my life. I was almost went into deep depression... post natal depression that is. Cried unknowingly, every evening 5-6pm struggled to go thru the motion, I was feeling very down, depressed, sky looked groomy, grey, lifeless, silence seems overwhelming, everything seems a distance... It was a scary moment, that passes through each day and me dealing it alone at home during the first week of my confinement.

Fear creeps into me. Fear of going to post natal depression, fear of hubby not having enough sleep, fear of not feeding my son well, fear of my son's jaundice might go worst, fear of changes in my life, fear of not able to cope in the night... fear!

Today, or should I say this whole week I was feeling so much better of myself. I stopped all weeping thingy and thoughts of fear. I am now more aware on how to cope and manage my son and my life. Maybe becoz, I getting used in the lifestyle and routines.

Thankfully, I have a supportive hubby and mum. I very thankful for their understanding, patience, thoughtfulness, bearing my nonsense of crying and weeping, thankful for their presence for been there for me and my son. Thank hubby, for talking out with my mum on 16/01/10 in asking her to fully commit herself in taking care of me and our baby boy. Thank you for taking over the role of purchasing the baby stuffs... like diapers, wipes, cotton, snacks, foodstuffs, taking care and managing of the finances so well, opening a saving account for our son, banking the long kept coins, staying in queue for 2 hours plus, buying my medela electric pump, working day and night despite not having enough sleep, accompanying me to take confinement food (even knowing that the foodstuffs are heaty), thank you for comforting our son when he is crying, singing to him, feeding him, changing diaper for him, most of all thank you for being there for me... THANK YOU!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 20

This is day 20. He looked so matured already!

EBM =expressed breast milk

Its been almost twenty days of direct breast feeding to my son. What's my view?

Building the bond between your child and you.
Nutritious and its better than formula milk

Your child gets addicted to your breast, suckle despite had his empty stomach filled
Lopsided breast
Sore nipples
Countless deprived sleep hours in late nights
Have no idea of much mls was administered to the baby

Anyways, my usual expressed milk from medela electric pump is about 30 -45ml/3h. Amazingly, after a hot herbal soup my mum brewed... it turned out to be 70ml.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 13 When you are asleep...

My little prince when he is asleep in my arms... he is 13 day old.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Deliveried my prince Dylan on the 07.01.10


I was discharged from the hospital on 06.01.10 due to persistent undilated cervix and seems to have a false labour.

Therefore I was scheduled for a elective caesarean delivery on 07.01.10. Since I am already 2-3cm dilate at the cervix and my edd is on 07.01.10.

On 07.01.10, I was accompanied by my hubby to the Day Surgery Ward for the elective caesarean. We reached there at about before 7am. Got myself registered and checked-in for the scheduled operative arranged as a second case in main operating theatre.

Before the decision made for caesarean, wanted epidural as source of pain relief. But after speaking to the anethestist, decided for general anethesia which was a very wrong decision for my case...

- I have no control over the situation that's about to happen
- My hubby have to wittness my unconsciousness state and my opened abdominal cavity
- My baby APGAR score was not excellent initially, bluish over the two lower limbs

If given me a second chance, I would prefer epidural...

Thank God and blessings, I had given birth to a healthy boy Prince Dylan at birth weight 3.165kg witnessed by his dad Roy.